Laisha Canner, AP, MAOM

Laisha has been practicing and developing Shen-Hammer Pulse teachings for 23 years. She worked closely with Leon Hammer, MD to refine her skills and understanding of his teachings. As a direct lineage holder of Dr. Hammer she is a senior teacher certified to teach and carrying it forth with accuracy and exploration. Through her contributions to the curriculum at Dragon Rises College, in the classroom and clinical supervision of students, she has developed a comprehensive understanding of Shen-Hammer Pulse diagnosis and treatment applications. Her fine art and graphic design degree bring the pulse qualities to life with her detailed visuals for pulse positions and qualities. Laisha has her own private practice, teaches and supervises at DRCOM, and divides her time with her partner and her two incredible kids. Being a practitioner and teacher is a fulfilling and enriching process, and she loves to keep learning through the many unique people she works with as patients and as students.